Honestly, if my mom ever finds out that this is like my third blog she would start nagging me about how much money I’m spending over “something silly” like blogging (anyone with Asian parents out there?).
Yup, I said THIRD blog. And you might wanna know why and/or think, “damn, that’s lame”, but here’s the thing: I firmly believe you have to make mistakes in order to learn and be better.
Over the years, I pretty much used blogging as an excuse to distract myself from my issues. I naively thought that I could have a full-time job as a blogger without having the actual determination of a serious blogger in me. But boy, was I wrong.
Who really pushed me to take it seriously – aside from clear signs from God – was “By Sophia Lee“; all her tips about blogging and how she talked about her own experience made me actually want to start something serious, soooo… you might want to check her out 😉
I’m the type of person who believes that there’s always a reason why something happens, and maybe it’s because my parents taught me a lot about Christian values.
So, I guess, thank you Mom and Dad ❤ I hope to create something good out of these lessons.