Studying alone is the main topic of this blog post.
for more, visit my Pinterest page @lifewtvee
We live in a world where “social learning” and “group study sessions” are very much emphasized to enhance a student’s performance at school, and I’m pretty much a believer of that too. As human beings we thrive in communities who have our same values, not counting the fact that it’s good to be surrounded by friends.
But what about the power of studying alone? I experienced both sides, group and solo studying, and I admit that I tend to do study sessions more on the solo side – even if I constantly advice to do study group sessions. So, today, let’s dive into that other side of studying and I’ll show how powerful solo studying can be IF done right.
Today you will learn about:
- Studying alone in the right place
- Motivation when studying alone
- The Feynman Method
- Overcoming loneliness when studying alone
Studying Alone in The Right Place
Your study sanctuary should be a place where you CAN study in peace, so don’t make my same mistake by trying to study in noisy cafes, or parks, and tiny small places.
- Start with your desk
It should be a no-clutter zone. Keep only the things you’ll need to study and keep everything pretty much simple. For a more in-depth guide on how to declutter in VERY little time, my 15-Minute Declutter Method blog post will become your newest asset to learn. It’s a very easy method to learn, so click here to learn more about it.
Always aim for natural light, so placing your desk near the window will be your very first step to find the right place for your studying area. Also, temperature and sounds are important things you should also consider. Find the right temperature for your room, not too cold and not too warm. And for sounds, you should try white noise to be more focused on your studying sessions.
Motivation When Studying Alone
As I said in my 5 Epic Tips to Ace School for Online Students blog post, studying on its own it’s already difficult. When solo studying you will be your own motivator, and many struggle with it.
- Create bite-sized daily tasks
Create specific goals like “complete practice problems 1-8 for Chapter 7.”, don’t push yourself into studying session marathons just because you want to check that task that says “study for finals”.
Accountability’s what goes along with motivation, so how to do that? Study logs are the greatest way to do that, and you’d be surprised of how much progress you make in just one week if you keep updating your study log every time you study.
The Feynman Method
The best way to learn – to really learn something – when studying is by active recall. But how can you do that when you’re studying alone? Very simple, the Feynman Method is the answer to that. Group study sessions are beneficial because we get to have a sort of classroom where everyone takes their turn to explain the concept of the material that is being studied.
So, how does the Feynman Method work? Instead of just passively reading notes and textbooks, close the book or your notebook and try to explain to yourself what you just read in simple words. If you struggle with something, there’s no shame in opening the book or notebook to do a quick review.
Be honest when you grade yourself, though. Yes, grade yourself when you apply the Feynman Method because it’s the best way to do a good quality review and make the incoming test less daunting.
Overcoming Loneliness when Studying Alone
It’s normal to feel a bit lonely when you’re studying alone, especially when you’re used to doing study group sessions. Psychological struggles can often lead to being overwhelmed or getting stuck on certain things when solo studying. These are ways that can help with that:
- Create manageable pieces of the topic to review.
- Be open-minded when looking for different sources of the topic.
- Take a break when you get stuck for a long time.
for more, visit my Pinterest page @lifewthvee
Final Thoughts
Studying alone is an invaluable skill to learn in life because, most of the time, the only person who will actually push you to do the best you can in any area of your life is yourself.
The goal isn’t to study longer; it’s to study smarter. Keep refining what you learned today about solo studying to find the best strategy for you.
Studying alone was the main topic of this blog post.