Ultimate Life Hack: The 15-Minute Decluttering Method

This post is all about a 15-minute decluttering method.

Just the thought of organizing your whole house gives you anxiety? I feel you. Not everybody wants to spend hours cleaning, especially when there isn’t much time.

That’s why today I offer you a 15-Minute Declutter Method so that you can have that clean and organized home without the stress of dedicating hours to cleaning only to be met with more things to do. I’m serious – 15 minutes each day is all you’ll need.

So, today we’ll see:

  • Why 15 minutes works
  • The method in motion
  • How to be successful with the method
  • Domino effect of the method

But if you also want a guide for a COMPLETE WEEKLY CLEANING SCHEDULE, click here and I’ll take you straight to the blog post. And it comes with a little present too: a FREE printable!

Ultimate Life Hack: The 15-Minute Decluttering Method

for more, visit my Pinterest boards @lifewthvee

Why 15 Minutes Works

The great thing about this method is its sheer simplicity; fifteen minutes gives a good balance between taking too much or too little time to create progress because the goal is to create a sustainable habit of decluttering instead of a marathon of cleaning sessions.

When you start using this method, two things will happen: more focus and efficiency. Things become MUCH more manageable, and your mentality will shift from “I have to organize the whole house in one day” to “I will organize my drawers in one day”, which – you can admit – sounds less daunting.

The Method in Motion

1. Choosing one small, defined space will be your first step. It could be:

  • A drawer in the kitchen
  • One part of your wardrobe
  • A shelf in your living room
  • And more

2. Set 15 minutes on your phone/timer to:

  • Empty it (no more than 3 minutes)

Yes, you read it right: empty it. It will be easier for the next step.

  • Sort and Decide (7 minutes are good enough)

Keep these three actions in your mind: keep, donate/sell, and trash. To make it easier, ask yourself: Did I use this recently? Am I going to use it in the near future? Is it still in good condition?

  • Asses (don’t take more than 3 minutes)

The “keep” items, obviously, will be the items that will need to be organized on the space. Help yourself with containers and organizers to make it easier to see where you put – in a logical way – your items.

  • Finish it (2 minutes and it’s all done)

Get a box for the “donate/sell” and “trash” items and put them there, but that doesn’t mean you’ll just forget them there. When there is time, take action to free up the box for the next time you need to declutter.

How to Be Successful with The Method

  • Be consistent

Choosing a specific time of your day to start is key, and it needs to be a non-negotiable moment for you in order for you to stay consistent.

  • Yes to progress, no to perfection

Just because it’s called “15-Minute Declutter” doesn’t mean that some places won’t need more 15-minute sessions. Keep up with the progress, and always celebrate the wins.

  • Look back to your progress

Visual reminders will mentally help you a lot, like a before and after picture of each session. Soon, you’ll start to see the consistency of your progress and realize how easy it was.

Domino Effect of the Method

The method not only improves your daily habit of organizing your space, but it also has some sort of “domino effect” beyond its main purpose. Like:

  • Less stress (no more stressing out on how to organize your stuff)
  • Better sleep (how do you feel when you sleep in a cluttered bedroom?)
  • Less time wasted (you know exactly where your stuff is)
  • More confident to achieve other goals (you feel like you CAN do so many more things now)

Start Your “15 Minutes” Today

Don’t worry about how you’ll begin or how you will finish it. What matters is to just start. By this time tomorrow, you’ll see a totally different space. So, imagine the results in a month, if you actually stay consistent with it.

So, remember: there’s no need for cleaning session marathons. We don’t want that because it only brings stress and anxiety. Fifteen minutes is all you need to start making good and steady progress on decluttering your home. Little by little.

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