This post is all about 10 ways that will help you study everyday without experiencing burnout.
I experienced burnout so many times during my time as a high school student and even now in university. Damn, sometimes I just totally refuse to open my laptop to start assignments and lectures because I’m afraid that I’m only going to close it as soon as I feel stressed – which means in a couple of minutes.
But that’s the point: you’re not failing if you feel the need to avoid studying. You simply need a break AND a good study routine.
(Scroll down at the end of the post for the complete list in just one look)
I struggle a lot, as an online student, to study for hours during the day since I don’t have in-person lessons, which leaves me with the most flexible timetable – for a university student.
1. Have plenty of rest before studying
There’s no way you can study with your eyes closing little by little, right? The only solution to that is to get a good night’s sleep and rest throughout the day.
A well-rested brain can surely perform better than a sleep-deprived one, which brings me to the next point.
2. Don’t get distracted by your phone
It is so hard not to look at our phones at a time when they are an essential part of our day-to-day lives. If you struggle to stay away from your phone, I recommend using the Focus Plant app or the Pomodoro Technique.
On the Focus Plant app, you set a time to focus without using your phone and grow plants every single time you manage to focus without closing the app. Otherwise, your plant dies.
The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that breaks work into intervals so that your focus keeps flowing, even when you have a lot of things to do.
Remember to put your phone on “Do not disturb” mode, so that you don’t get distracted with notifications.
3. Have a clean and organised study area
It’s nice to have a clean desk without all the mess that we sometimes may create during the day.
Have everything near you, from pens and notebooks – that you may need to take notes – to your planner and water bottle. It can be anything, but what matters is that you stay organised and avoid getting distracted by unnecessary actions, like getting up because you forgot something in another room.
4. Reward yourself
If you manage to successfully do something, it’s important to reward yourself. There’s no point in making studying so dreadful, so let yourself enjoy something you like to do (or even eat!).
It can be taking a brisk walk outside to get some fresh air, letting yourself have some screentime or eating your favourite dessert (I personally love tiramisu 😉 ).
5. Set deadlines
You will struggle to finish your assignments/study sessions if you don’t set clear goals.
We can all agree that it’s better if we have a clear picture of our study plan, don’t you think? You can’t just start studying without a deadline ahead of you. So get your calendar or planner and set your deadlines – and I assure you you will feel more motivated to start your study sessions.
6. Don’t multitask
Our brains aren’t designed for multitasking, so break down large projects and prioritize what needs to be done first.
7. Feynman Method
We may have been using this method since we were little kids: you pretend you’re the teacher by explaining what you just studied using simple words. And when you struggle to explain, you can always go back and revise.
Honestly, I think it makes study sessions a lot more tolerable. And you can use this method when you’re studying with someone too.
8. Study groups
Studying doesn’t mean you have to do it all alone every time. By having friends on your side, studying becomes less daunting. You’ll be able to receive more inputs and insights about the project, which can help you retain information more easily.
9. White noise is key
Having some background sound (like rain) that blends with distracting noise (like people murmuring in cafes) helps to make the latter more homogenous.
I can’t stand total and utter silence while I’m studying. It almost feels creepy to be all alone in the room and only hear the sound of my computer’s keyboard or the scribbling sound of my pen. So, if lo-fi doesn’t work – ’cause it can happen – I put on white noise to drown out the distracting sounds.
10. Just start studying
Sometimes, the biggest obstacle we have to face is the one that looks like the most insignificant.
Don’t worry about taking many breaks throughout your study session. If you don’t start, then there’s no point in worrying about things that may not happen. So just start, and you’ll find yourself studying for many hours.
Keep in mind, though, that this doesn’t mean that you need to study everyday. You can try, but nobody’s perfect and we all need to rest at least once a week.
Remember, you are not a machine. You are allowed to get a break from studying for a day or two every week. You also have to enjoy your life, not everything is about school.
So, let’s sum everything up:
- Have plenty of rest before studying
- Don’t get distracted by your phone
- Have a clean and organized study area
- Reward yourself
- Set deadlines
- Don’t multitask
- Use the Feynman Method
- Study with your friends
- White noise
- Just start studying
This post was all about 10 ways that will help you study everyday without experiencing burnout.
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